Trademark Registration in Dubai, UAE: Brand Name, Tagline, Logo, and Cost

Do you want to register your trademark in Dubai, for your business?

Worry not! The experts are here at your service.

Let your business shine through with us. Get your trademark registered today.

Expert Guidance for Seamless Trademark Registration in Dubai, UAE

Registering a trademark, a business in Dubai and UAE can protect its name or brand from intellectual property theft and misuse. A registered trademark is your shield, granting exclusive rights to logos, names, and slogans.

Dubai Trademark Registration Certificate
Trademark Certificate sample

Services for Trademark Registration in Dubai, UAE

We offer comprehensive trademark registration services in Dubai, ensuring a smooth and successful process. Our expertise includes:

Trademark Searches

Thoroughly verify the availability of your desired mark.

Application Preparation

Meticulous compilation of required documents and details

Filing and Examination Support

Navigating the Ministry of Economy’s procedures.

Objection Handling

Resolving any potential conflicts efficiently.

Post-Registration Monitoring

Protecting your trademark against infringement.

Let us help you secure your brand’s future in Dubai.

why do i need a trademark

Do I need a trademark for my business in Dubai and the UAE?

Trademark registration is not required to start a business in Dubai. However, experts recommend it for brand protection. Under the UAE Federal Law No. 37 of the 1992 Trademarks Act, a trademark can be any distinct logo, word, symbol, seal, picture, title, or group of marks.

Register trademarks to distinguish products, services, or brands. This protects intellectual property and builds goodwill in the market.

You can file these general trademark types in the UAE to safeguard your business:

  • Generic Mark
  • Suggestive Mark
  • Descriptive Mark
  • Arbitrary Mark
  • Fanciful Mark

Process for Trademark Registration in Dubai, UAE

The trademark registration process in Dubai has specific steps.

Before you apply, search for trademarks in Dubai to check availability and understand existing trademarks. Research existing trademarks to avoid conflicts and objections when modifying your application.

Finalize your trademark before collecting the required documents for application preparation and registration.

  1. Trademark Logo
  2. Copy of Trade License
  3. Power of Attorney (PoA)
  4. Passport Copy
  5. Priority Document
  6. List of Goods & Services to be protected

The Dubai trademark application includes vital details. The application includes the applicant’s details, trademark image, and the goods or services. You can opt for online filing of the application on the Ministry of Economy [MoE] website or consult a Trademark agent to do it for you.

After completing the application, attach all documents. Submit the fee to the UAE Ministry of Economy through their trademark registration portal. You can also book an appointment with the Ministry and submit your application in person.

The Ministry will scrutinize your application to ensure it meets the requirements. Once it is approved, the trademark will be scheduled for publication. The Ministry defines the trademark examination UAE process, which can take some time due to the strict protocols.

The application, once passed, will undergo an Opposition period. It will be announced in the official gazette and two local newspapers. This allows opposing parties to raise objections. If there is any interference, you can visit the authorities and clear the confusion with the help of additional documents.

After clearing all objections if any, you will receive a registration certificate. It proves your ownership and trademark rights for ten years from application filing which can be renewed.

Benefits of Trademark Registration in Dubai, UAE

1. Legal Protection Against Infringement: Taking Action

  • A trademark registration grants exclusive rights to your goods or services.
  • It offers a strong legal foundation to safeguard your brand’s identity.
  • In case of infringement, take legal action against competitors. Seek damages and issue a cease and desist notice. This protects your brand identity and market reputation.


2. Building Brand Reputation and Trust

  • By registering a trademark, you can provide your brand with a singular point of identity.
  • Moreover, a trademark proves your brand’s authenticity, building brand trust amongst your consumers.
  • Display your trademark on products or services. This commitment improves loyalty and associations.


3. Licensing Opportunities: Generating Additional Revenue

  • Trademark registration plays a crucial role in revenue generation.
  • Licensing your goods or services can expand your business.
  • It generates extra revenue and increases your brand’s visibility and value. You can do this through franchisees, manufacturers, and distributors.


4. Deterring Counterfeiters: Safeguarding Your Business

  • Trademark registration is vital in a dynamic world. Many exploit popular brands.
  • Registering your trademark helps combat counterfeit products. It allows legal actions, seizing goods, and distinguishing quality.


  • A trademark registration grants exclusive rights to your goods or services.
  • It offers a strong legal foundation to safeguard your brand’s identity.
  • In case of infringement, take legal action against competitors. Seek damages and issue a cease and desist notice. This protects your brand identity and market reputation.

  • By registering a trademark, you can provide your brand with a singular point of identity.
  • Moreover, a trademark proves your brand’s authenticity, building brand trust amongst your consumers.
  • Display your trademark on products or services. This commitment improves loyalty and associations.

  • Trademark registration plays a crucial role in revenue generation.
  • Licensing your goods or services can expand your business.
  • It generates extra revenue and increases your brand’s visibility and value. You can do this through franchisees, manufacturers, and distributors.

  • Trademark registration is vital in a dynamic world. Many exploit popular brands.
  • Registering your trademark helps combat counterfeit products. It allows legal actions, seizing goods, and distinguishing quality.


Legal Requirements for Trademark Registration in Dubai, UAE

Choosing the jurisdiction depends on several factors, such as the nature of business, laws and regulations, etc.

In the United Arab Emirates, Offshore Companies are primarily offered in two main jurisdictions:

Any individual or organization wanting to claim authority over their service or products can apply for a trademark in the UAE. According to Federal Law No. 37 of 1992 on Trademarks outlines, trademark eligibility criteria in Dubai include:

  • UAE citizens and businesses are active in various sectors like technology, economics, and services.
  • Natural and legal foreigners involved in the above sectors.
  • Foreigners and natural or legal entities in the sectors based on reciprocity.
  • Other artificial persons.

The registrable trademarks, according to UAE-specific guidelines, include:

  1. Words and names, including slogans and phrases that are not generic
  2. Logos and designs that serve as brand identities
  3. Symbols and devices, including letters, icons, and pictorial representations
  4. Combination marks that are an amalgamation of words and graphical elements
  5. Non-traditional marks, such as scent, sound, and 3D shapes, provided they meet the trademark guidelines of Dubai


How Much Does Trademark Registration Cost in Dubai?

The cost of trademark registration varies with the type, class and, number of trademark, any objections will incur additional fees. The registration fee starts from AED 8,500 onwards for registering one trademark in one class. Additional charges include power of attorney.

1. Understanding the Official Fee Structure

As mentioned above, the registration fee for trademark registration in Dubai is AED 8,500 onwards. Besides, you will have to pay the following trademark registration costs in Dubai according to the official fee structure:

You need to pay the application fee at the time of application submission. This can vary according to the number of classes for which the trademark is filed.

This fee is levied to examine the criteria requirements by the trademark office.

This involves the fee required to publish your trademark in UAE’s official gazette and local papers as part of the evaluation process.

Trademarks expire every ten years in Dubai and must be renewed by paying a fee.

2. Additional Costs to Consider

You will need to spend extra money for legal aid, trademark search, and translation during registration. This will help smoothen the process. Therefore, the trademark fees in UAE cannot be precisely estimated and vary with each case.

3. Factors That Can Affect the Timeline

  • The Dubai trademark registration timeline is based on multiple factors.
  • The application and submission.
  • The examination can take up to 15 days.
  • Publication is given an opposition time of 30 days.
  • If there is no opposition, your application will be sent for issuing.
  • There is a possibility of trademark registration being delayed by objections. It is uncertain when clearance will be made.


Common Trademark Registration Mistakes in Dubai (And How to Avoid Them)

The trademark registration process is well-defined. Be cautious of common trademark mistakes in Dubai.

Choosing a Weak or Unregistrable Trademark

Your trademark registration can only be smooth if you have a unique product or service to register. Trademarking unregistrable terms, descriptive phrases, generic words, and common names are prohibited. These trademark applications are typically disputed.

To avoid weak trademarks, it is essential to conduct thorough trademark research. Look at the Ministry’s guidelines for terms that can be trademarked. Also, check existing trademarks for availability. You can also seek legal help for this.

Errors in the Application Form

Errors in trademark applications commonly lead to rejection or delays in trademark registration. This includes providing incomplete or incorrect information.

Therefore, it is vital to fill out your trademark registration application carefully. You can also get help from experts. Double-check the information and read the guidelines and instructions the government provides.

Not Monitoring Your Trademark After Registration

A common mistake people make is not considering post-registration monitoring. It is vital to monitor trademarks in the UAE to safeguard against infringement. Failure to do so can cause unchecked brand infringement.

It is best to have a monitoring process to avoid this. Keep track of your trademark use and immediately take legal action against infringement.


Maintaining and Monitoring Your Trademark in Dubai and UAE

As mentioned above, working on your trademark doesn’t stop as soon as a registration certificate is issued. It is vital to monitor your trademark in the UAE to protect your brand identity and prevent trademark infringement.

  • Proactive monitoring

    Conduct regular trademark searches to identify potential infringements. You can do this independently or utilize trademark watch services.

  • Addressing infringements

    If you discover infringement, take swift action. Options include:

    Cease and desist letters: Send formal notices to infringers through a legal representative.

    Opposition proceedings: File an opposition with the UAE Ministry of Economy if a similar trademark is published for registration.

    Lawsuits: Pursue legal action in UAE courts for significant infringements.

  • Adapting to market conditions

    Stay informed about shifts in the market and consumer trends as this could necessitate updates to your trademark for continued relevance.

  • Trademark renewal

    Maintain your trademark registration by renewing it every ten years. The UAE Ministry of Economy will send a renewal reminder prior to the expiration date.

  • Staying current on trademark law

    Keep track of any changes to the UAE’s trademark laws to ensure ongoing compliance and protection.


Juriszone: Leading Trademark Registration Service Provider and Consultant in Dubai

Juriszone’s team of experts offers Dubai trademark consultations. We provide comprehensive services, from completing your application to ensuring proactive trademark protection.

Our Services Include:

Strategic setup consultation


Personalised plans


Jurisdiction selection


Informed decisions


Complete legal and professional help


Quick trademark opposition resolution


Trademark search


Our experts will guide you through searching for your trademark’s availability and help maintain and monitor it. Juriszone’s expert team, all-in-one services, and years of experience make us the best partner you can have for Dubai Trademark protection.

Contact Jursizone Today To Begin Trademark Registration in Dubai. Get Comprehensive Trademark

FAQs: Your Dubai Trademark Questions Answered

Individuals can register a trademark if it meets eligibility criteria. The mark must distinguish their products or services. You can also apply for the trademark as an entrepreneur, sole proprietor, or freelancer.

Trademark protection is valid for ten years from the registration date in Dubai. You can extend its validity at the end of every ten years by paying a renewal fee.

Once your trademark is registered, you can challenge or contest a similar trademark through legal channels. This could be done by raising objections when you notice the trademark in a publication. However, make sure to take this action swiftly.

Trademarks can be registered in different countries if your business operates worldwide. The UAE has recently adopted the Madrid System for the International Registration of Marks to streamline this process.