Refund Policy

Disclaimer: This policy outlines the terms and conditions regarding refunds to protect the interests and investments of both parties involved in our business agreement.

Refund Policy of Juriszone Corporate Services Provider LLC:

Juriszone is a professional services firm, and we are fairly compensated for our time, expertise, consultations, and work performed. Any fees earned for services rendered are non-refundable unless explicitly stated otherwise.

All payments from clients must be made in advance unless postdated checks or other approved fee guarantees covering the full amount are provided.

Client agrees that all fees, charges, and disbursements paid to Juriszone are non-refundable and non-transferable.

Juriszone reserves the right to suspend services to any client with outstanding unpaid balances.

We maintain the right to reject refund requests, including those related to fees paid to governing authorities, cases where the client failed to provide necessary information/documentation, and instances where the relevant authority denied issuance/renewal of licenses.

Consulting fees are considered earned upon payment as compensation for the consultant’s time and services rendered, except in cases of agreement termination for cause.

Juriszone is not responsible for refunds on third-party payments made on the client’s behalf, such as investments, government fees, legal fees, vendor charges, etc. Refunds for those expenses are subject to the independent policies of the respective third parties.

Any success fees, referral fees, commissions, or repatriation fees earned by Juriszone are non-refundable.